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University of Phayao’s researcher discover a new species a “Wonder Owl's eye” (Thismia thaithongiana)


“Wonder Owl's eye” (Thismia thaithongiana) was discovered in 2017 by Dr. Kanokorn Srimuang, researcher from University of Phayao and Mr. Suchart Chanhomwol, Freelance Photographer. In the preliminary findings, it is not confirmed that what kind of the plant is. So it just only collected data and took some photos and send to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Saha Channaornpin, Department of biology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University for extending more research until it was known as a new plant of Thailand. “Wonder Owl's eye” (Thismia thaithongiana) known as the Amazing ThaiThong, and the scientific name “Thismia thaithongiana”. It is an annual plant as small as a matchstick that only blooms at the end of the rain season.

Dr. Kanokorn Srimuang, researcher from University of Phayao said: "The word wonder is actually the name of the Amazing ThaiThong, which is in honor for Dr. Abchan Thaithong, a precursor to the Botany of Thailand, but with the appearance of this plant, when it comes to photographing, it is look like the owl's eye. This plant is a plant that is associated with earthy fungi and has an intricate ecosystem or subsistence with other plants that represent the abundance or balance of this forest. The existence of this plant and its relationship to other plants, or the significance that may be hidden in this plant, still wondered us, surprise, and puzzle as his genus name is "astonishing."

For the people who like this plant. If you have a chance to visit, this plant is only available at the end of the rainy season. Another season will be suspended due to bad weather. The discovery has a positive impact on both the botanical information of Thailand and the ripple effect of tourism in Umphang district.

Translated by International Relations Team


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