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School of Political and Social Sciences organized “Tash: Show & Share Rat-Pat Identities Project”


      On August 28, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., School of Political and Social Sciences arranged the "Tash: Show & Share Rat-Pat Identities Project” in collaboration with “Student Leadership Development Project, Activity 2: Aesthetics and Politics” at Room PKY1 and the ATM Activity Area, the old education building, University of Phayao.  Associate Professor Dr. Montra Pongnil, the dean, honorably delivered the opening speech.

      The objectives of the project are to expand learning opportunities for students and to promote diverse learning processes. In addition, it effectively allows students to showcase the identities and abilities of their respective programs contributing to the community as Rat-Pat innovators which lead to the "School of Pleasantness, Fun, and Learning" experience.

       As parts of the project, students participated in various competitions, including singing, photography, dance, and naming of the school garden. Furthermore, students' projects from the course of “History, Economy, Politics and Society of Upper Northern Thailand” were displayed in this "Tash: Show & Share Rat-Pat Identities Project”.

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Phayao Thailand

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