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News and Activities

The Department of Community Health, School of Public Health provided school health education to improve community quality of life.

The Department of Community Health, School of Public Health provided school health education to improve community quality of life.
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School of Education participated in the walking into university traditional activity for the year 2024

School of Education participated in the walking into university traditional activity for the year 2024
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UP is pleased to welcome Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn to the opening ceremony of "SCI-POWER FOR FUTURE THAILAND."

The University of Phayao is pleased to welcome Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn to the opening ceremony of "SCI-POWER FOR FUTURE THAILAND."
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School of Education received educational quality assurance assessments, curriculum level according to criteria (AUN-QA) for the academic year 2023

School of Education received educational quality assurance assessments, curriculum level according to criteria (AUN-QA) for the academic year 2023
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School of Education offering the lent candle to preserve Thai arts and culture

School of Education offering the lent candle to preserve Thai arts and culture
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School of Education conducted the development of learning resources, the wooden caving Buddha image, Wat Bun Hom towards sustainability

School of Education conducted the development of learning resources, the wooden caving Buddha image, Wat Bun Hom towards sustainability
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School of Education participated in the opening ceremony of the 14th Anniversary Exhibition of the University of Phayao

School of Education participated in the opening ceremony of the 14th Anniversary Exhibition of the University of Phayao
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UP recently held a kickoff activity at the community pharmacy practice to raise awareness about common illnesses and their treatment.

The University of Phayao recently held a kickoff activity at the community pharmacy practice, located at the School of Pharmacy, to raise awareness about common illnesses and their treatment.
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University of Phayao

Research and innovation

Philosophy ( A Life of Wisdom Is the Most Wondrous of All )
Resolution ( Wisdom for Community Empowerment )


Address : University of Phayao

Phayao Thailand

Phone :

+6654 466 666

Opening Hours :

Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 4.30pm