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SEEN organized the KM-SEEN The Series 2024: R2R to Develop for support staff towards advancing in positions.

University of Phayao
On December 26, 2023, the School of Energy and Environment (SEEN), University of Phayao (UP), led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Torpong Kreetachat, Dean, and Asst. Prof. Dr. Anusorn Boonpoke, Vice Dean for Administration and Strategy, organized the event, KM-SEEN The Series 2024: R2R to Develop. This event consisted of seminars and knowledge exchange sessions aimed at guiding support staff towards advancing in their positions. The goal is to empower employees to develop themselves and contribute to the organization's stability and continuity. The event took place at SEEN building. These has invited Mr. Narupong Sansay, a Personnel Professional Level (K2), Ms. Nuengruethai Thepsingha, a Plan and Policy Analyst Professional Level (K2), and Ms. Paphaon Kheawseema, scientist Professional Level (K2), to be speakers.

After session, the SEEN’s staff was a shared consensus among support staff to initiate activities related to career advancement starting in the early part of 2024, with the great support from executive board.

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Phayao Thailand

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