SPSS and MCU, Phayao Campus, meeting to discuss guidelines for MOU

27/3/2567 13:48:16น. 447

The School of Political and Social Science (SPSS), University of Phayao, attends the meeting to discuss guidelines for the memorandum of understanding between Mahachulalongkornrajvidyalaya University (MCU), Phayao Campus, and the School of Political and Social Science, University of Phayao, on January 17, 2024. The meeting is jointly led by Associate Professor Dr. Phra Medhivajirakhun, vice rector of MCU, Phayao Campus, and Pipat Thanakit, assistant dean of SPSS, together with the committee of student affairs and culture preservation and representatives from the SPSS student club. The meeting discusses for creating the partnership in cooperating projects and activities relating to the student affairs and culture preservation in order to develop them as innovations with values of the glocalization (Lanna-Thai-International) added. Moreover, the said operations may help create the student identity in terms of health, personality and aesthetics along with the community socio-political innovators which lead to be a livable, enjoyable, and conducive to learning faculty.       

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